寄生性皮膚病治療劑 Antiparasitic drugs

Jaline (Benzyl Benzoate Lotion 250mg/ml)
Delice medical Hair Emulsion (Hexachloride 10mg/gm)
SCABI Cream (Gamma-BHC) 10gm (gamma benzene hexachloride 10mg/gm)

Jaline (Benzyl Benzoate Lotion 250mg/ml)

品名規格 Jaline (Benzyl Benzoate Lotion 250mg/ml)
廠        商 人人化學製藥廠股份有限公司
代        號 EBB
成  份  名 Benzyl Benzoate 250mg/ml
中文名稱 疥寧
藥理分類 Antiparasitic products, insecticides and repellents / Ectoparasiticides, incl. scabicides, insecticides and repellent / Chlorine containing products / Lindane 
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Benzyl benzoate 能夠殺死寄生性節足動物 Acarus scabiei (或稱 Sarcoptes scabiei),用來治療疥瘡 (scabies)。它對 Pediculus capitis (頭蝨) 及 Phthirus pubis (蟹蝨)亦具療效,可用於治療蝨病 (pediculosis)。


•Benzyl benzoate 具有刺激性,應避免接觸臉部、眼、黏膜及尿道口。 •若產生過敏性反應,應立即停藥,並以肥皂及清水洗淨。 •若不慎誤服大量藥品,可能會產生中樞神經刺激及痙攣的副作用,甚至死亡。治療 方法包括洗胃及症狀治療。 •使用於兒童及嬰兒時應將藥品稀釋以減少刺激性。 •Benzyl benzoate 不可使用於急性發炎的表皮、開放性或有滲出液之傷口。


•輕微局部刺激、癢及過敏性皮膚反應。重複使用可能引起皮膚炎。 •疥瘡的病人在治療後,搔癢症狀可能會持續數週,此為正常情形,並非治療失敗。


•疥瘡:全身沐浴乾淨後,頸部以下全身塗抹薄層,待乾後再塗抹第二次,24-48 小時 後,清洗全身。避免塗抹於臉部、眼、黏膜及尿道口。必要時 7-10 天後可重複 治療 1 次。 •蝨病:將患部清洗乾淨後再塗抹溶液,避免接觸眼睛,12-24 小時後以肥皂及水清洗 乾淨。必要時 7 天後可重複 1 次。

Delice medical Hair Emulsion (Hexachloride 10mg/gm)

品名規格 Delice medical hair emulsion
廠        商 景德製藥股份有限公司
代        號 ERBHC
成  份  名 Hexachloride 10mg/gm
中文名稱 “景德”必去蝨 藥用乳劑
藥理分類 Antiparasitic products, insecticides and repellents / Ectoparasiticides, incl. scabicides, insecticides and repellent / Chlorine containing products / Lindane 
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成份 γ-benzene hexachloride
適應症 Pediculosis capitis. Phthirus pubis.
用量 Apply 10 mL on wet hair & follow with 4 mins rubbing & then rinse off.
注意事項 Infants & small children, patients <50 kg; history of seizures or those with conditions that may increase the risk of seizure; hepatic impairment. Avoid contact with eyes; also avoid use on inflamed or broken skin. Pregnancy & lactation.
不良反應 Irritant dermatitis, CNS effects including dizziness & seizures.
View ADR Monitoring Website[參閱藥物不良反應監測表格]
交互作用 Oils may enhance absorption of lindane; avoid using oil treatments, or oil-based hair dressings or conditioners immediately before & after applying lindane. Use with caution in patients on medication that may lower the seizure threshold.
View more drug interactions with Delice Medical Hair Emulsion[必去蝨]
MIMS 藥理分類 外用殺黴菌劑和抗寄生蟲病用藥 (Topical Antifungals & Antiparasites)


SCABI Cream (Gamma-BHC) 10gm (gamma benzene hexachloride 10mg/gm)

品名規格 SCABI Cream (Gamma-BHC)
廠        商 景德製藥股份有限公司
代        號 ERBHCC
成  份  名 Gamma benzene hexachloride 10mg/gm
中文名稱 “景德”息疥軟膏
藥理分類 Antiparasitic products, insecticides and repellents / Ectoparasiticides, incl. scabicides, insecticides and repellent / Chlorine containing products / Lindane 
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